Young investigators
A young investigator may be an undergraduate student, or ideally a fellow or a recently appointed consultant. Registration (including meeting fee, conference dinners and ski school) and single room accommodation (including breakfast) for a maximum of 4 nights will be paid for all young investigators. Travel costs are not reimbursed.
A young investigator presentation is a highly competitive award and the winner will be presented with an honorary diploma and a return trip to ESHLT the following year fully paid.
Abstracts should be submitted to the conference administrator, Anne Lawless ( with a deadline of 1st December. The character limit for an abstract is 2,140 characters (spaces are ignored). This count includes characters in the following: Abstract Title, Abstract Body, Table(s), and Image(s). Author names and institutions are not counted. Two tables/graphics may be included in addition to the character limit.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the ESHLT Executive Committee and a number selected for presentation at the meeting. Presenting authors of all submitted abstracts will receive notification of acceptance or rejection no later than December 15th.
The meeting presentations will be judged by a selected panel of consultants under the following categories.
1. The scientific content
2. Originality
3. The way the data was presented and the quality of the slides
4. Whether the presenter has done most of the work themselves
5. The ability of the presenter to answer questions during the discussion
The presentation will be for a total of 10 minutes. There will be a maximum of eight minutes to present with no more than 10 slides and around 2 minutes for questions. Presentation time-limits, adherence to abstracts guidelines, and slide limit will be strictly enforced. The winner of the prize for best abstract will be presented at the meeting Presidential Dinner.
Fascininating Failures or Surprising Sucesses Case Presentations
A case report can be presented by any meeting delegate and is not limited to junior faculty or young investigators. The presentation will be a total of 10 minutes to present no more than 10-15 slides. There will be 5 minutes for questions. Presentation time-limits will be strictly enforced.