Wednesday 23rd January 2019 |
Moderator: Hans Eiskjaer |
(20 min talk and 10 min discussion) |
16.00–16.30 |
Risk Stratification in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension - Validation of ESC:ERS:s guidelines on treatment follow-up utilizing the Swedish PAH Register |
GÖran Radegran |
16.30–17.00 |
Lung transplantation in a developing country: perspectives compared with Europe |
Pekka Hammainen |
17.00–17.30 |
Coffee break |
17.30–18.00 |
Hepatitis C the beginning of the end; is it really all over? |
Barbara Hasse |
18.00–19.00 |
Fascinating Failures and Surprising Successes-Case -
18.00–18.10 |
Breda Lynch |
18.10–18.20 |
Caroline Patterson, |
18.20–18.30 |
Stephan Schueler, |
18.30–18.40 |
Tom Hoel, |
18.40–18.50 |
Ronny Gustavsson |
18.50–19.00 |
Tji Gan, |
Thursday 24th January 2019 |
Moderator: Clive Lewis + one young investigator |
(20 min talk and 10 min discussion) |
16.00–16.30 |
Ventilation strategies on EVLP |
Niels van der Kaaij |
16.30–17.00 |
Predicting and preventing primary graft dysfunction in lung transplantation |
Jason Christie |
17.00–17.30 |
Coffee break and business meeting |
17.30–18.00 |
How far away from clinical xenotransplantation are we? |
Paolo Brenner |
18.00–18.30 |
Transplantation of heart donors with poor cardiac function should be current practice? |
Jonatan Oras, |
18.30–19.00 |
18.00–18.30 |
Martin Elliott, |
Friday 25th January 2019 |
Moderator: Göran Dellgren + one young investigator |
(20 min talk and 10 min discussion) |
16.00–16.30 |
Heart failure and transplantation for adults with congenital heart disease. |
Clive Lewis |
16.30–17.00 |
Felodipine Reduces Decline in GFR in Lung Transplanted Patients Treated with Cyclosporine: a Randomized Placebo Controlled Trial |
Michael Perch |
17.00–17.30 |
Coffee break |
(15 min talks and 5 min rebuttal) |
17.30–18.00 |
Pro-Con Debate - |
Pro Martin Elliott, London |
18.00–19.30 |
Young investigators (10 mins. Talk - 5 mins. Questions) |
18.00–18.15 |
Michal Pazdenik |
18.15–18.30 |
Tobias Nilsson |
18.30–18.45 |
Simon Messer |
18.45–19.00 |
Kamilla Bjerre |
19.00–19.15 |
Lavanya Saiva |
19.15–19.30 |
Achim Koch |